Conferences and Presentations


Attendance to Unite for Sight's 15th Annual Global Health & Innovation Conference. To be held at Yale, New Haven, April 14-15, 2018. 

Dr. Tania Huedo-Medina and Project Manager, Aviana Rosen will attend.


Presentation at the National Academy of Sciences. Washington, D.C., March 8-10, 2017.

"Reproducibility of Research: Issues and Proposed Remedies". 


Presentation at the Workshop of Risk Perception, Center of Drug Prevention at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. Havana, Cuba, May 19, 2016. 

"Conceptualization and Implementation of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model among drug users". 


Poster Presentation at the annual conference of the College on Problems of Drug Depenedencies (CPDD). Palm Springs, California, 2016.

Michael Copenhaver, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Pramila Karki, Roman Shrestha. "Modeling a Theory-Based Approach to Examine the Influence of Nuerocognitive Impairment on HIV Risk Reduction Behaviors among Drug Users". 


Oral Presentation at the 144th American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference. Denver, Colorado, 2016. 

Tanjila Ahmed, Michael Copenhaver, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Roman Shrestha. "Self-efficacy mediates the effect of neurocognitive impairment on HIV risk reduction intervention outcomes among high-risk drug users in treatment.


Oral Presentation at the 144th American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference. Denver, Colorado, 2016. 

Michael Copenhaver, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Pramila Karki, Roman Shrestha. "Modeling a Theory-Based Approach to Examine the Influence of Nuerocognitive Impairment on HIV Risk Reduction Behaviors among Drug Users". 


Poster Presentation at the 18th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in HIV. New York, New York, 2016. 

Michael Copenhaver, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Pramila Karki, Roman Shrestha. "The Moderating Role of Treatment Engagement on the Relationship between Neurocognitive Impairment and Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Adherence".


Presentation at HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2016. 

Michael Copenhaver, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Pramila Karki, Roman Shrestha. "The Moderating  Role of Treatment Engagement on the Relationship between Neurocognitive Impairment and Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Adherence".


Paper Presented at the International Convention of Psychology HOMINIS. Havana, Cuba, May 10-14, 2016. 

"Multilevel Models with Mediating and Moderating Variables in Health Psychology". 


Attendance and Presentation at the Symposium chaired at the Society of Research Methods Synthesis. Conference in Florence, Italy, July 8-11, 2016. 

Presentation, "Multivariate Meta-Analysis".


We had one poster and one oral presentation at the annual Experimental Biology Conference, held in Boston MA, 2015.

Poster Presentations at the Obesity Week 2015 in Los Angeles, November 2-6

Kiersten Kronschnabel, Valerie Everett, Lauren Frymus, Aaron Plotke, Nusrat Habib, Khiem Nguyen, Amy Gorin, PhD. "Effects of Calorie Exercise Equivalent Labeling on Consumption of High-Calorie Foods in a College Dinning Hall".

Jennifer Garza, Alicia Dugan, Pouran Faghri, Amy Gorin, Tania Huedo-Medina, PhD, Anne Kenny,4 Martin Cherniack,1 Jennifer Cavallari. "Factors Associated with Change in Body Mass Index and Body Fat Percentage in Manufacturing Workers Across Different Age Groups".

Pouran Faghri, Tania B. Huedo Medina, Phd, Christina Mignano, Winnie Chin, and Martin Cherniack. "Psychological and physical determinants of overweight and obesity in high stress workplaces".

Poster Presentation at American of Public Health Association, Chicago, November 4 - October 31, 2015

Jennifer Garza, Alicia Dugan, Pouran Faghri, Amy Gorin, Tania Huedo-Medina, PhD, Anne Kenny, Martin Cherniack, Jennifer Cavallari. "Demographic, Health-Related, and Work-Related Factors Associated with Body Mass Index Among Manufacturing Workers in Different Age Groups".

Poster Presentation at American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Conference, Seattle, Washington, 2015, October 9-12

Jessica D. Bihuniak, Rebecca Sullivan, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, PhD, Irina Rosewater, Donna Caseria, Kimberly O’Brien, Jane E Kerstetter, Karl L Insogna. "The Effects of a Longer-Term, Low-Protein Diet on Calcium Absorption and Kinetic Measures of Bone Turnover in Young Women".



Bihuniak, Jessica D., PhD, RD, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, PhD, Marissa Garcia, RD, Anne Kenny, MD, and Jane Kerstetter, PhD, RD". Poster."Methodological Quality of Meta-Analyses on the Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease. Experimental Biology, Massachussetts, Boston. April 1, 2015.

Garcia, Marissa, RD, Jessica D. Bihuniak, PhD, RD, Anne Kenny, MD, Jane Kerstetter, PhD, RD, and Tania B. Huedo-Medina, PhD. "Oral Presentation." The Efficacy of the Mediterranean Diet on Obesity Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis. Experimental Biology, Massachussetts, Boston. March 30, 2015.